How to Start

How to Start

clearing your skin

By putting out these three acne fires inside the body

clearing your skin

By putting out these three acne fires inside the body

The truth about clearing acne naturally after helping over 1k women, in 10+ countries 

Stop Wasting Money on Ineffective Products & Harmful Meds to Achieve Clear Skin

Acne isn't just a hormone problem or a skin issue.

Why do 30, 40, and 50-year-olds still get breakouts like teenagers?

If it was just hormones, why do birth control and supplements fail for so many?

And why do medical creams and pricey beauty products still leave people struggling with acne?

There's a deeper cause we haven't addressed yet. Acne isn't just clogged pores, oil, or hormones. The root cause lies in three silent fires burning inside your body, creating an environment for acne.

The acne industry feeds a $9.39 billion market that’s expected to hit $13.76 billion by 2030.

Clearly, what we’ve been told isn’t working. It's time to stop wasting money on ineffective acne products and harmful medications uncover the real secret to clear skin.

Discover the hidden truth and stop feeding the acne industry for good.

It's about addressing the real, underlying causes within your body.

The Three Acne Fires That Keep Your Breakouts Coming Back

Acne Fire #1

Disrupted Gut

When your gut isn’t functioning properly, it can’t digest and absorb food effectively. And coupled with an imbalanced microbiome? This can lead to increased inflammation in the body, which often results in acne.

Acne Fire #2

Clogged Detox Systems

Our bodies need to eliminate toxins, but when our detox systems are backed up, these toxins can increase inflammation and hormonal imbalances. As a result, the skin takes a major hit.

Acne Fire #3

Hormone Imbalance

Two often overlooked hormones significantly contribute to testosterone and estrogen imbalances. Managing these hormones first is crucial for addressing acne issues and achieving hormonal harmony.

This is why I developed Clear Start – to save you from years of trial and error and wasting time on advice that doesn't truly address acne.

Clear Start is a mini-course designed specifically for women. It helps you lay the foundation for clear skin by tackling acne issues in the right order, so you can finally feel like yourself again – the person acne has been hiding for far too long.

Clear Start: Your Holistic Gateway to Clear Skin

Clear Start is here to help women like you tackle acne from the inside out, using a holistic approach that addresses the main three acne fires that foster an environment to trigger acne.

Designed with your bustling lifestyle and zest for life in mind, this means the program is self-paced and flexible.

This allows you to go at your own pace to apply what you learn at your own pace and no matter the season in your personal life and work life.

There is no rush or time limit for you to complete it.

What Makes Clear Start Different?

sneak peek

Clear Start Modules

We're diving straight in to break down how to build your own acne-clearing protocol, giving you a clear roadmap to follow. This will help you understand the steps you need to take for clearer skin.

Module 1 | The Root Causes of Acne

In this module, we identify acne's root causes using your symptoms and Acne Face Mapping from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This combined approach clarifies which of the three acne fires affect your skin most.

Module 2 | Nutrition 101

Don’t let the title fool you; this isn't just another basic healthy eating module. We delve into acne-specific nutrition, covering how to eat for key hormones, how much to eat, and how to eat on a budget.

Module 3 | eating for acne

Here, we explore triggers and introduce you to anti-inflammatory nutrition for healthy skin. Since this might be new or previously misunderstood, you'll also receive meal guides and recipe books in this module.


One of the most overlooked strategies for clearing acne is making sustainable changes and managing stress. This module delves into non-nutritional factors that significantly impact your skin.


This module simplifies supplements. With so many brands available, how do you choose the right ones? We help you find quality supplements, identify foundational ones, and offer a curated, targeted list based on your findings from Module 1.


Our Holistic Licensed Esthetician guides you through safe skincare for acne, offering expert advice on effective products and brand recommendations. She'll help you tailor your routine to your specific skin needs, ensuring you avoid reintroducing toxins that can damage your skin and disrupt your hormones over time.

Clear Start is a comprehensive system designed to help you clear acne holistically by addressing your gut health, detox systems, and hormones. This approach nurtures an environment for clear skin rather than letting these underlying issues fester.

sneak peek

The Acne-Clearing Modules

We'll be jumping right in and breaking down how to build your own acne-clearing protocol so you have a clear roadmap to follow.

Module 1 | The Root Causes of Acne

We first need to identify what's causing your acne and why. We'll be discussing how to love up your gut, liver and hormones.

Module 2 | Nutrition 101

We go through the basics of healthy eating and how to keep your blood sugar stable (key for happy hormones and clear skin).

Module 3 | Foods for AcnE

Here we focus on the best skin-loving foods to include on your plate and where to find them. These foods will also be found in the hundreds of recipes provided in the meal guide section.

Module 4 | Clear Skin Supplementation

We cover the foundational supplements for clear skin plus I offer recommendations if you need extra support in the gut, liver, hormone and stress department.

Module 5 | Acne-Friendly Skin Care

I walk you through safe skincare for acne and brand recommendations. You'll also have access to the expert workshop with our Holistic Skin Therapist, Alexis Fletcher.

Module 6 | Lifestyle Practices

The final piece to the acne puzzle is the brain. We need to make sure we're reducing stress and getting quality sleep. Including daily detoxification practices will also level up your healing.

Quicker Results or Prolonged Breakouts?

If you’re ready and fed up with not understanding why your acne continues to come back, and if you feel you’ve been brushed off when you try to get an answer from health professionals...

… Then this is your invitation to take the power back from doing the same thing that's been giving you the same results you’ve been feeling and seeing in the mirror every day.

And more importantly, stop spending money every month on things that aren’t helping your skin, like…

Skincare products ranging from $30 to $250

Facials costing $150 to $700

Skin gadgets like red light masks priced up to $500

Random supplements, sometimes costing as much as $200 per order.

Acne sufferers often spend from hundreds to thousands of dollars each month on these ineffective treatments with just a few purchases.

And we continue that trend because we still haven’t addressed the root of the issue.

However, you can save yourself that hassle and get started with Clear Start.

Buy Clear Start, Get $500 in Gifts to Simplify Your Acne Journey

Skincare Routines

(Value: $200)

Step-by-step skincare routines for every budget, designed by our Holistic Esthetician to help you achieve the best results.

Learn how to properly cleanse your pores, balance your skin's pH, and protect your skin barrier for healthy skin turnover as your acne clears.

Pantry Swaps

(Value: $150)

A handpicked list of acne-friendly food swaps by our team of nutritionists, many of whom are moms, ensuring family-approved options that are both healthy and tasty.

We continually update this list with new finds, and you'll receive these updates too!


(Value: $150)

This guide provides essential tips to support you during specific phases, ensuring you maintain balance and energy throughout.

You'll discover how to seed cycle for optimal hormone support, what to eat during each phase to boost your hormones and energy and the best exercises to avoid spiking stress hormones.

Begin Your Clear Start Journey

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Clear Start for?

Clear Start is ideal for those who are new to their holistic acne-clearing journey. If you’re looking for a comprehensive, beginner-friendly program to help you understand the root causes of acne and how to address them through lifestyle changes, this program is perfect for you. If you're looking for high-touch private coaching with functional testing, The Clear Skin Solution is for you.

Do I get to work with Katie and her team?

Clear Start is a self-study mini-course, meaning you can work through the materials independently. If you’re interested in personalized guidance and support from Katie and her team, you might want to explore The Clear Skin Solution, which offers more intensive, hands-on assistance.

Is Clear Start Strict on nutrition?

We recommend doing your best to follow our nutrition recommendations, as we suggest taking many small steps to achieve one massive leap in your skin health. For those who need flexibility, we offer the 80/20 approach—eating nutrient-rich foods 80% of the time and allowing yourself indulgences 20% of the time. This method ensures sustainability and gradual, lasting changes.

Can I do this if I have a vacation, wedding, birthday, or work function coming up?

Absolutely! The program is designed to be flexible and can be done at your own pace. The 80/20 approach also means you can enjoy special events without feeling restricted. You can always return to the program and pick up where you left off.

Will Clear Start get rid of my chronic acne for good?

Clear Start provides foundational strategies that we teach to our private clients in The Clear Skin Solution. Some clients see their skin clear up with these strategies alone, while others experience a reduction in severity, redness, and inflammation, along with faster healing times. For those looking for a more intensive approach, The Clear Skin Solution might be a better fit.

How long will it take to clear my acne?

The timeline for clearing acne varies for each person and depends on various factors such as your health history, current health status, complexity of root causes, lifestyle, and adherence to the recommendations. While some may see improvements in a few months, others may take several months to notice significant changes.

Is there a time limit on the mini course?

No, there is no time limit on the program. You get lifetime access to all the materials and can work through them at your own pace. This flexibility allows you to fit the program into your schedule, no matter how busy you are.

Will my skin have acne marks or scars when the breakouts go away?

Some people may experience marks or scars after their acne clears, but these can often be treated effectively with topical products and medi-spa facials. We provide guidance on how to care for your skin post-acne to minimize and treat any residual scarring.

Will this work for men?

Absolutely! The strategies and techniques provided in Clear Start are effective for males as well. While there are some female-specific parts of the program, the majority of the content is applicable to everyone. Males can benefit greatly from the holistic approach to acne treatment outlined in the program.

What if I'm a teen or caregiver of a teen with acne?

If you're a teen (or a caregiver of a teen with acne), we recommend using The Teen Acne Guidebook, which is specifically designed to address the unique challenges of teenage skin.

I'm pregnant, is Clear Start a good fit?

If you're pregnant, we recommend following our Glowing Mama program, which is tailored to support the unique needs of pregnant women while promoting healthy, clear skin.

Can I upgrade to The Clear Skin Solution?

Yes! Upgrade to The Clear Skin Solution within the first 45 days, and we'll apply your initial purchase as a credit.

Are refunds provided?

Due to the nature of the mini-course, no refunds will be provided under any circumstances. Please review the course description carefully to ensure it meets your needs before purchasing.

Meet Katie!


Katie Stewart is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and the visionary CEO of KSW Inc., renowned globally as the leading acne-focused nutritionist.

Having aided thousands of women across over 10 countries, Katie is the founder of The Clear Skin Solution, employing her innovative 5 Acne Clearing Pillar methodology which emphasizes functional testing to address root causes. She is also the charismatic host of The Clear Skin Chronicles, a podcast ranked in the top 5% worldwide.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Katie is a dedicated mom to two boys and two dogs, enjoying a vibrant family life in the Niagara region with her husband.

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